Universal Ethics
Universal Ethics > Wise Choices > Checklist Start

Picture of fluffy owl.Wise Choices


This Checklist is like a game of "20 questions"; it will help you to assess whether a proposed course of action meets a basic standard of ethics.

Screening your actions against ethical rules is not sufficient by itself for you to have joy in your life, but it does tend to be a pre-requisite. It is part of a strategy for a happy life.

Therefore, feel free to try it out! In the box below please type a brief description of some action that you are considering.

Press Enter when you are ready to begin. You will be asked a series of questions one at a time, each with a pick-list of choices. If you change your mind after answering a question, press "Back" on your browser to go back to the previous question.

Topical Checklists

Do you want a quicker path, with fewer questions? Try it this way... Fill in the proposed action in the box above, then pick a topic from the list below that is relevant to it, and press Enter below. Each topic also contains a hyperlink to an explanation that includes reference information.

Wise Choices Index

As an alternative to the above methods, you can simply pick the topic from an alphabetical list and read about it. Click here to do that.

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